MIMIC MGCP Protocol Module Guide

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. The MIMIC MGCP Protocol Module is an optional facility that enables the NCS variant of the MGCP signalling protocol for Cable Modem simulations.

  4. Installation
  5. MGCP support is made available in MIMIC as an optional dynamically loadable module. To enable MGCP, you need to do the following:

    • Use File->Terminate to stop the any running MIMIC daemon.

    • Copy the MGCP shared library (ncs.dll on Windows, ncs.so on Unix) from "bin/dynamic/optional" to "bin/dynamic" in the install directory. Currently it is available for Linux and Solaris(sparc) .

    • Restart MIMIC. You should see the following type of message in the MIMICLog that confirms that the MGCP module was properly loaded :
      INFO  - NCS : Loaded protocol from < path-to-DLL >

    Once MGCP is loaded, any agent instance configured to support the MGCP protocol will be able to act as a MGCP media gateway which can communicate with an softswitch also called a call agent. The module provided with MIMIC has been tested to work with NCS Emulator by Telecordia.

  6. Using MGCP from MIMICView
  7. If the MGCP module is enabled, then Agent->Add, Agent->Configure and Agent->Paste dialogs will display NCS as an additional checkbox in the Advanced pane along with the SNMP protocols. On selecting the checkbox a new NCS pane will appear.

    This NCS configuration pane lets the user configure the parameters for a MGCP session:

    • Config File

      This mandatory parameter specifies the config file that provisions the MGCP gateway for this agent. The config file is in scripts/ncs/, and it configures a gateway with it domain suffix, port , endpoint id and endpoint type. A sample config file is shipped ncs_gw.cfg.

    • Call Agent

      This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the call agent to which the gateway will be accountable. e.g shakti.gambitcomm.com or ca@shakti.gambitcomm.com.

    • Call Agent Port

      This mandatory parameter specifies the port on which call agent talks to the gateway.

    If the mandatory parameters are supplied, the agent will automatically execute a MGCP gateway (client) upon starting by sending RSIP message to the call agent.

  8. Using MGCP from MIMICShell
  9. A few new commands and some enhanced old commands can be used from the MIMICShell to use the MGCP functionality. Here is a synopsis:

    • mimic protocol msg NCS get args

      This command lets the user gather the self-defining list of arguments required and their particulars. The parameters are detailed above. A sample exchange for this command would be:

        mimicsh> mimic protocol msg NCS get args
        {{configFile} {Config File} {file} {scripts/ncs {{*.cfg {NCS gateway configuration files}
         {edit yes} {new yes}}} - both} {mandatory} {}}
        {{callagent} {Call Agent} {string} {} {mandatory} {}}
        {{caport} {Call Agent Port} {integer} {} {mandatory} {}}

    • mimic agent get protocol

      This command lets the user look at the protocols currently configured on the agent. A sample exchange for this command would be:

        mimicsh> mimic agent get protocol

    • mimic agent set protocol

      This command lets the user change the protocol setting for an agent. A sample exchange for this command would be:

        mimicsh> mimic agent get protocol
        mimicsh> mimic agent set protocol snmpv1,NCS
        mimicsh> mimic agent get protocol

    • mimic agent protocol msg NCS get config

      This command lets the user get the current argument settings. A sample exchange for this command would be:

        mimicsh> mimic agent protocol msg NCS get config
        {configFile=ncs_gw.cfg} {callagent=shakti.gambitcomm.com} {caport=2427}

    • mimic agent protocol msg NCS set config [config]

      This command lets the user change the current argument settings of all MGCP sessions for an agent. A sample exchange for this command would be:

      mimicsh> mimic agent protocol msg NCS get config
      {configFile=ncs_gw.cfg} {callagent=shakti.gambitcomm.com} {caport=2427}
      mimicsh> mimic agent protocol msg NCS set config {configFile=abc.cfg}
      mimicsh>  mimic agent protocol msg NCS get config
      {configFile=abc.cfg} {callagent=shakti.gambitcomm.com} {caport=2427}

    • mimic agent protocol msg NCS add endpoint <endpoint id> < endpoint type>

      This command lets the user add an endpoint to the gateway with an id unique to the gateway and also lets specify type of endpoint. A sample exchange for this command would be:

      mimicsh> mimic agent assign 1
      mimicsh> mimic agent protocol msg NCS add endpoint aaln/2 AALN