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Supported OS Platforms

 Home / Support / Supported OS Platforms
Platform Minimum configuration (1) Recommended configuration (2)
  • Intel Intel Core i5 or faster
  • Windows 8
  • 5 GB Hard Disk space or more
  • 512 MB RAM per 250 agents
  • Gigabit NIC
  • Display with 1920x1080 resolution.
Linux (3)
  • Intel Core i5 or faster
  • Fedora 21, RedHat Enterprise 7
  • 5 GB Hard Disk space or more
  • 512 MB RAM per 250 agents
  • Gigabit NIC
  • Display with 1920x1080 resolution.
Amazon EC2 (4)
  • t2.small instance
  • Linux VM
  • m4.large instance
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x VM
Google Cloud Platform (4)
  • Windows or
  • Linux VM
  • Rocky Linux 8.x VM
Microsoft Azure (4)
  • Windows or
  • Linux VM
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x VM

NOTE: (1) See platform installation instructions in online documentation for specific limitations.

NOTE: (2) In addition to 32-bit executables, certain 64-bit executable platforms are supported (AMD64, Intel Core, Celeron and Xeon on Windows or Linux) to achieve higher scalability. See online documentation for details.

NOTE: (3) We have reports of MIMIC running on other Linux platforms, such as Debian, PuppyLinux, etc., but there are too many to test. If you have a Linux platform that is not listed, try MIMIC on it. If it runs fine, let us know, else we may be able to help you get it configured to run MIMIC.

NOTE: (4) MIMIC will run on any public cloud virtual machine that supports one of the platforms above.

Please contact our support department at to help you decide the right platform/configuration for your application.